About me

My name is Fábris Kossoski and I am a CNRS researcher at the Laboratoire de Chimie et Physique Quantiques, in Toulouse, France.

I develop theoretical methods and computational software to model molecular systems and how they behave when interacting with free electrons and with light.

I am interested in seeking novel electronic structure methods, with a particular focus on excited states. In addition to usual electronically bound states, many types of molecular states can spontaneously eject an electron, which make them theoretically challenging and also fascinating. These are resonances. To model this type of state, I have been implementing a computational code based on electron scattering methodologies. I also develop nonadiabatic dynamics methods to investigate the vast chemical processes that take place upon electron collisions (electron-induced chemistry) and light absorption (photochemistry). Finally, I am interested in applying these theoretical and computational tools to solve problems of chemical relevance. This is often done in close collaboration with different experimental and theoretical groups.